The PC-SIG Library 9
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JUDY Documentation Version 2.00
********** WHAT IS JUDY? **********
I have lived with a Judy, a flesh and blood Judy, for many years now.
She has made life a lot more pleasant and considerably easier. I'm kind
of an absent-minded guy. My wife, Judy, is a very practical person. She
manages to keep track of some things which elude me. I've come to depend
upon her.
What would happen if - God forbid!- we got divorced? The spiritual and
romantic benefits of marriage would be hard to replace, but how about the
nagging? Couldn't the constant reminders be performed by a computer?
Of course, they would be performed less artfully than by my real Judy,
but no less resolutely.
Thus the genesis of JUDY, the Electronic Yenta.
She shares some of my wife's better qualities:
She never forgets:
All your appointments and commitments for the rest of the century are in
JUDY's memory. There can be a thousand appointments pending at any one
time, and an unlimited number recorded in her logs.
She'll go anywhere with you:
As you use your computer, going from one piece of software to another,
from one directory to another, from drive to drive, JUDY stays with you,
waiting in the background, never losing her bearings.
She's slim:
Since JUDY is always at hand, she must always occupy some RAM. However
she's kept her weight down to a mere 8K.
She thinks fast:
Any concurrent program requires a flicker of attention every so often.
JUDY has been crafted to keep this flicker to a minimum. She uses less
than one millisecond per second. (Your software will run better than
99.9 percent of its normal speed.)
********** THE THREE FACES OF JUDY ***********
JUDY consists of three software elements, which are distinct but
interconnected. Any one can be run alone and be useful, but they are
far more powerful together. These three facets are "JudyK", "JK"
and the "Lookup Utility." It might help to think of the first two,
"JudyK" and "JK", as the conscious and subconscious mind: two very
different aspects of the same personality. JudyK, whose thoughts are
frontstage, is analogous to the conscious, while JK, running quietly
in the background, approximates the subconscious. As for the Lookup
Utility, think of it as a special skill that enhances the use of the
other two facets whenever you need it.
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JudyK is responsible for large displays and long-range views. Through
JudyK, JUDY presents you with the full-screen interactive calendar, she
takes appointments, has editing functions, makes hard-copy, and (invisibly
to you) goes through your notes and records, doing the daily filing tasks.
JudyK fills your computer's memory, does her job, them leaves, returning
her space to the memory pool.
The other facet of JUDY is JK. While JudyK is expansive and full, JK
is slim and laconic. Unlike JudyK, JK slips into your memory and stays
there. Because she occupies memory, she needs to be lean, all function
and no fat.
The Lookup Utility, called "phone.exe" on your disk, is exactly what
its title implies. It is a tool used for looking up items in JUDY's
files. Like JudyK, the Lookup Utility fills computer memory while in
use and relinquishes it upon completion.
********** INSTALLING JUDY *********
place the original aside for safe keeping. That way if anything goes
wrong you will always have an intact copy of the original. If anything
happens to your distribution diskette you are out of luck. We won't
replace it for free. (Sorry, but that's the nature of the software
Now on to installation. JUDY needs to reside on one of your disks,
preferably a hard disk. To install her: pop the copy of your
distribution disk into your floppy drive, CHANGE TO THAT DRIVE, then
simply issue the following command at the DOS prompt:
substituting X with the letter of the actual drive upon which you wish
JUDY to reside. The INSTALLJ program will copy all necessary files from
the distribution diskette into the \JUDY directory and create the
directory if needed. It will tell you if anything goes wrong.
Suppose you want JUDY to be in a directory named, suprisingly
enough, "JUDY" on drive C:, your hard disk. Then you would put your
distribution diskette into floppy drive A: (if that's where it goes) and
issue the two commands:
Of the files it transfers the ones you will absolutely need are
JUDYK.EXE, JK.COM, and PHONE.EXE. The JUDY.HLP is for online help.
If you do not need online help screens, delete it, d if you wish to
save some disk space. Another useful option is JUDY.BAT, which simply
invokes JUDYK and JK. You can use it if you wish, or modify it to suit
your configuration. It is included merely as an example of how to
automate JUDY somewhat. (JUDY.DOC is this text, and does not need to be
kept in the \JUDY directory.)
Page 3
********** USING JUDY FOR THE FIRST TIME **********
Before actually running JUDY, you should understand the following
things about how she works.
JudyK prepares the day's agenda for JK. So to use JUDY, you first run
Judyk and then JK. You can do this automatically with JUDY.BAT: just type
"JUDY". Or better still, add the two commands
(in that order), to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This is highly recommended.
This way JudyK will process any messages lying about in her files, and
JK will also be aware of them in case it comes time during the day to
notify you.
VARIATION: if you do not want the full screen display from JudyK
to pop up every time you boot your computer, substitute the "JUDYK"
command in your AUTOEXEC file with "JUDYK /Q" for the 'quick' version
of JUDY with no screen display.
You may also want to modify JUDY.BAT. Notice that by default this
batch job first UNloads JK then loads her. This is because it is upon
LOADING that JK reads the day's agenda as prepared by JudyK.
If you run JudyK and change today's agenda, JK won't be aware of the
change until she is loaded again. The JUDY.BAT file takes care of all
that. But if you have OTHER TSRs in memory (other RAM-Resident programs
like JK) and JK was originally loaded before them, the act of unloading
JK will leave a gap in memory--which you may not want. So feel free to
change the batch job, or change your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (or your habits)
and load JK.COM last.
JUDY uses a particular directory on a particular disk drive to leave
notes for herself. If these notes were scattered all over various disks
and directories, JUDY would have a hard time keeping track of them. We
need to set aside an area for all of JUDY's files. It can be in her own
private directory but it doesn't have to be. The PREFERRED SETUP is to
use a directory called \JUDY, as determined by INSTALLJ, so I'll call
it that.
You select any directory you want during the initialization process
explained above.
JUDY populates her area during the Initialization process. The \JUDY
directory holds her four data files (CALENDAR.JK, ADDRESS.JK, EXPENSES.JK,
IDEAS.JK), as well as "SCRATCH.PAD" and "NOTE.PAD" that she uses herself.
The Lookup Utility also looks to the directory \JUDY by default for these
data files.
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JUDY's three executable files, JUDYK.EXE, JK.COM, PHONE.EXE as well
as her two batch files JUDY.BAT and WHERE'S.BAT (which she makes) need
not be in the \JUDY area. But wherever they are, they must be SOMEWHERE
IN THE PATH. They have to be able to find the \JUDY area no matter where
they or you are. (Your DOS manual explains use of the Path). So before
using JUDY on an ongoing basis, change the PATH command in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT to include the \JUDY directory (or whatever name you gave it
during initialization, if different). Then REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER.
Of course floppy disk users must insure that the correct actual disk
is in the proper drive, but only during daily bootup, and when using
JUDY's disk functions (JOT and the Lookup Utility). Hard disk users do
not have this concern. JUDY will always find her disk and directory.
If you use the wrong disk:
When JOTting, JUDY looks first for her directory. If it is not
available, she issues a message and allows you to change disks, or cancel.
Her directory could be available on the wrong disk (JUDY's area might be
the root directory, for instance, which will always be present). In this
case, JUDY won't complain. Having found her area, JUDY adds another note
to her scratchpad. (A file called SCRATCH.PAD, which is read, then flushed
out by JudyK as soon as she boots up.)
If there's no SCRATCH.PAD in her area, JUDY creates a new one. But if
this SCRATCH.PAD is not on JUDY's disk, JudyK will not find it the next
morning when you run AUTOEXEC.BAT which (presumably) calls upon JudyK.
Don't worry. You can add this SCRATCH.PAD to the real one by typing:
COPY B:SCRATCH.PAD + A:SCRATCH.PAD (if B: is the real JUDY disk.)
DEL A:SCRATCH.PAD (to get rid of the accidental scratch.pad)
Now it is time to start up JUDY and make her your own. To bring her to
life, change directories to the \JUDY directory and type "JUDYK". She
will then ask you a series of simple questions explained in (gory)
detail below.
Welcome, new JUDY user. Are you ready to install her?
JUDY asks if you are ready to make sure you know what you're doing
when you install her. By reading this manual you should be ready.
typical answer: Y or [Enter]
Sometimes there will be defaults. They look like [this].
Whenever possible, JUDY will suggest a sensible answer for each of her
own questions. She'll present the default answer in a different color,
and in brackets.
typical answer: [spacebar], any key at all
Page 5
Your name:
JUDY wants to know your name. It is very important that you answer this
question seriously. JUDY won't allow you to change your name later,
because JUDY belongs to only one person. Almost everything else can be
changed by running "Judyk/s".
typical answer: Edith Snitnow
What is your birthday? first the MONTH [1-12] and the DAY [1-31]
Just enter the month of your birth. Again, you're advised to take this
seriously. JUDY uses your birthday to identify you and your files. Using
your real birthday will make things simpler.
typical answer: 5 [Enter]
then 15 [Enter] (Edith's birthday is May 15th)
Set your password, if desired:
Again BE CAREFUL, answer this seriously. If you feel sensitive about your
personal schedule, you can install a password into JUDY. You will have
to type in this password each time you run JudyK if you supply one.
Actually you have three options at this point.
1: You can have NO PASSWORD. Just hit the [Enter] key.
2: You can type in any PASSWORD (ending it with [Enter]).
3: You can simply install a PASSKEY. Any of the Function keys,
Alternate keys, or even Cursor-pad keys will serve as a one-stroke
password. (No need to hit [Enter].)
typical answer: popeye (caps don't matter at all)
Where is Judy's Area?
JUDY can be in any directory on any of your disk drives. If you
installed her using INSTALLJ as explained above this will be the
\JUDY directory. In this case just hit [Enter] in response to this
question and go onto the next. If however you were adventurous and
cavalier and copied the files into some other directory, then hitting
[Enter] in response to this question will cause JUDY to make a \JUDY
subdirectory in the current directory (unless of course you are already
in a \JUDY directory). If you don't even want JUDY's area to be called
"JUDY", then type in the drive and path (these must be valid) and the
subdirectory name, eg: "B:\BIN\UTILS" will force JUDY to copy her own
files onto the B: drive in the \BIN\UTILS directory regardless of where
her actual executable files reside.
Whatever directory is made, this is where JUDY will look for her own
files, even if you installed the executable files from the distribution
diskette somewhere else (by specifying a different path during the use
of INSTALLJ.BAT). See the section on "JUDY's AREA", above, for more
typical answer: [Enter]
Do you wish to do a detailed configuration right now?
You have now completed the information necessary to install JUDY
into your system. At this point you are presented the option of further
customizing her. If you care to go on, answer Yes at this point, and
you'll fall into the JUDY Configuration dialogue, explained in detail
at the end of this documentation in the appendix.
typical answer: N or [Enter] (for no)
Page 6
At this point there is a pause while JUDY does some disk work. She
will establish the JUDY directory if need be and create a series of
files for various types of data. Please be patient.
You will also be asked if you would like to print out the
documentation. If you answer Yes, JUDY will attempt to print out all of
JUDY.DOC (this file, about 30 pages) to your parallel printer. Make
sure this is what you want to do. If not, hit N for No.
********** JUDY IN THE FOREGROUND **********
After typing JUDY, (or directly invoking JUDYK yourself), you'll see
her sign on. Then the calendar display will appear. You will see the
screen arranged into ten 'windows'--boxes which enclose particular
functions. In the Month Window, for example, the current month is
highlighted. Similarly the day of the month is lit in the Day Window.
On the left side of the screen is today's list of appointments. As a
new user, you'll have no appointments, and this box will be empty.
Get to work! Make some appointments (see the section below on function
F5 to learn how to add appointments).
Notice that each of the windows has a "button" on it. The button
corresponds to a function key. When the key is struck , the window is
activated: it lights up, and its function is engaged. The even numbered
function keys activate the buttons on the right, and the odd function
keys activate the buttons on the left.
This presents an onscreen help function, should that be
necessary. Press [F1] for Help then press the key that you want
help for. Pressing [Esc], or any Function Key twice, sends you
home from helpland. Calling for Help once in this manner changes
the "button" names from F numbers into actual words. Hitting [F1]
again (and then pressing [Esc] to exit) toggles them back to the
normal F key display.
Activates the Month array. You can now change the currently
displayed month by using the cursor keys. [Right]/[Left] or
[Up]/[Down] move you month by month. [Home] and [End] jump
between January and December. You can scroll past December
into January of the next year, and vice-versa. Notice how the
display cascades: changing the month causes a new calendar to
appear, and a new list of messages. By hitting the asterisk (*),
you invoke the Wild Month. (See WILDCARDS below)
Activates the Year window. The years can be scrolled, with the
[Left]/[Right] keys. Decades scroll with [Up]/[Down]. The display
cascades as in the Month Window. And as in the other date windows
the * activates the Wild Year. See WILDCARDS below.
Page 7
The calendar of days is active. As you scroll, ([Left]/[Right]
for days, [Up]/[Down] for weeks), the notes for that day appear
on the left side of the screen. The * will activate the Wild Day.
See WILDCARDS below.
Note the single-line box around those dates that have no
appointments, and double-lines around those which do (except
for recurring appointments made via Wildcards, the Weekly key
or the Nag key.)
This key opens the Notes Window, displaying the notes for the
active date. Notes are available for editing in this mode, and
are expanded from their normal truncated display.
The cursor keys serve as normal editing keys, and you have
both overwrite and push-to-the-right editing available. Hitting
the [Insert] key will toggle this back and forth. (The cursor
shows the current state.)
To delete a note altogether use the [Up]/[Down] arrow keys to
highlight the note you wish to delete. Then use [Ctrl]/[End]
(the two keys together) to kill it. To edit the time of a message
use the Left key, or [Ctrl][Left], and type in the new time.
To delete a note that was added as a regular occurrence and
was entered using wildcards or the 'W' key (see WILDCARDS below),
you first need to re-highlight all the dates on which the note
occurs, re-issuing the same combinations of wildcards or use of
the 'W' key as you did when you first added it. Then highlight
the note and hit [Ctrl][End]. This assures that ALL occurrences
of the given note will be deleted.
Hit any other function key to get out of the NOTES window.
This function is used to add appointments to your calendar.
The entry window will light up. Appointments are added to the
currently displayed date. First fill in the time, (see TELLING
JUDY THE TIME, below), or just hit [Enter] if you don't want the
message to pop up at any particular time. Then enter the message.
If no particular time is associated with a given message, the
message will be displayed upon invocation of JudyK (usually
performed automatically by your AUTOEXEC.BAT file upon booting
the computer) on the proper date. Otherwise, the message will
pop up on the proper date at the time you have indicated.
In any event, however, the new note you add will not be
subject to automatic announcement until JK.COM has had a chance
to look at it--which happens only when JK is loaded into memory.
But this is rarely a problem for appointments you place for the
future. When the day in question finally rolls around, JK will
be loaded up in your AUTOEXEC that day anyhow and the note will
be detected.
Page 8
If you wish to leave a note for an event for later the SAME
day you enter it, it's best to use the MEMO option described
below in the section on "Judy in the Background".
Hit any other function key to exit the ADD window.
Our user, Edith Snitnow, wants to remember to go to a cow
surgery seminar held on January 13, 1997 at 3 pm. She uses [F4] and
the arrow keys to set the year to 1997. Then she uses the [F2] key
to highlight January, hits [F6] and then scrolls down to the 13th.
She then hits [F5] to add the note. Edith types in 14:00 (or 2:00 pm)
in order to make the message go off an hour before the meeting. She
then types in "Seminar--3 pm!" and hits [Return]. This adds it to the
list and she exits JUDY.
When the special day finally comes around, Edith flips on her
computer and her AUTOEXEC.BAT runs JudyK automatically, which in turn
displays the message "Upcoming Message For Today: Seminar--3 pm!".
Later, at 2:00, JK butts into Edith's spreadsheet session and delivers
the message. But Edith decides not to go after all, because her
interest in cows had diminished slightly in the 7 years she waited for
the seminar...
This allows you to find any name or fragment in your
appointment book (the CALENDAR.JK file, to be exact). Simply type
in the name, or text fragment you wish to find (pay no attention
to upper and lower case. JUDY won't). Then press Enter. JUDY
will locate the most recently added appointment containing that
text and flip the calendar to that date. Pressing [Enter] again
finds the next occurrence, and so on. (Note that the order of
the Search is from the most recently added appointment back.)
Any other function key will escape.
To find items in any of the other .JK data files, hit [F8] to
use the Lookup Utility.
Edith knows she has had several appointments with Ted Turner in the
past year but can't remember exactly when or how many. So she hits [F7]
and types in "turner" (without the quotes of course). Upon hitting
[Return] JUDY sets the date immediately at the latest appointment date,
and Edith can see from the Notes window that the message, sure enough,
says "Ted Turner."
She hits [Return] again and now JUDY sets the date further back to
another, earlier, date that has a message concerning "Turner" also.
Edith keeps doing this until JUDY finally beeps and says that no more
messages were found. Astonished that she has had 129 dates with Ted in
the past 3 months, Edith vows to play it more cautiously in the future...
Page 9
F8:PHONEBOOK: (The Lookup Utility)
The operation and use of the Lookup Utility is explained in greater
detail in its own section below. Hitting [F8] is just a convenient
way of calling it up. Upon exit from the Lookup Utility (or whatever
program you assigned to this [F8] key during the initialization
process), you will be returned to the calendar display of JudyK.
JUDY lists out the displayed schedule (seen in the F3 window)
on your parallel printer. The printer type and port should be set during
initialization. After printing that day's worth, you are asked whether
you want a "Page Eject?". If you want to add appointments from other
days on the same page, hit N and go to the next date. You may then
hit [F9] again and add that day's list to the previous one. Hitting
Y in response to "Page Eject" will force a form feed.
Edith and Ted are planning to go on a Love Boat cruise to Mexico for
a week in July and Ted has asked her to mail him a copy of the itinerary,
which Edith has entered on JUDY.
Edith first highlights the date of the first day of the cruise.
Making sure her printer is on and ready, she then hits [F9]. JUDY
immediately sends that date's itinerary to the printer and asks "Page
Eject?" Edith responds N for no, and moves on to the next day. She
hits [F9] to print, and N again to hold off on the page eject. She
does this for each day of the cruise and finally hits Y to finish the
list and eject the page.
Upon receipt of the itinerary Ted calls Edith and passionately
proposes they spend an extra month in Mexico...
Return to DOS saving all changes to disk. This means that whatever
new appointments you have added or deleted will be written to the
CALENDAR.JK file in JUDY's area immediately and control will be
given back to DOS.
********** WILDCARDS **********
Like DOS, JUDY understands WILDCARDS. She uses them for three parts of
the date: the day, the month, and the year. This is (obviously) useful
for various types of regular occurrences. For example:
day/month/* :every year on this date :birthday, anniversary
day/*/year :this day every month this year :rent/bill payment
*/month/year :every day of the month :monthlong project
*/*/year :every day this year :long term project
*/month/* :all month, every year :seasonal reminder
day/*/* :certain day of the month :paycheck
*/*/* :every day :inspirational message
Page 10
So, for example, suppose you wanted to add a reminder to pay a bill
every 5th of the month, every year. First hit [F4] to go to the
YEAR window, then instead of hitting an arrow key to scroll, press
the asterisk (*) key. Then hit [F2] to highlight the MONTH window and
do the same to highlight all the months. Finally, in the DAY window (F6),
scroll to the 5th of the month. With all proper years and months and
day lit up, use [F5] to add the note as normal.
To delete all occurrences of a given note created with wildcards,
you must first use the same combination of wildcards as you did
originally to highlight all the same multiple days, years or months.
Then go into the NOTES window with [F3], highlight the note and delete
it with [Ctrl][End].
The Nag File is opened by hitting the letter 'N' once in the Day window.
The Nag File is the list of those things that must get done as soon as
possible, but not on a particular day. Changing the oil in your car is a
good example.
The contents of the Nag File are always added to Today's messages,
and they follow you every day until you finally erase them.
To use the Nag file, first go into the Day window (F6). Then hit
the N key. This opens the file. Now hit [F5] to add a new entry.
Type in the entry and hit [Enter] as always. This (and subsequent
messages) will now be displayed along with the others in the NOTES
window every day (but only in the NOTES window). Once finshed adding
nag messages, hit [F6] to go to the DAY window and hit the N key this
time to CLOSE the Nag file. Or just hit [F10] to exit.
To delete a nag message, FIRST go to the DAY window (F6), open the Nag
file as usual, then use [F3] to go in and highlight the message(s) you
wish to kill. Use [Ctrl][End] as always. Go to the DAY window and
close the Nag file before going on and adding new messages.
Weekly occurrences can be flagged by hitting the 'W' key from within
the day window. This creates messages that appear every Tuesday, for
instance, if the cursor was on Tuesday when 'W' was pressed. After
all appropriate days are lit, use the [F5] key as always to add a note.
It will then come up every week on that day (but will NOT cause the days
to be double-boxed. Only individual appointments do that.)
To delete all occurrences of a given note created with the W key,
you must first highlight the original day of the week on which the
note was created (by going to the day of the week and hitting W as
before) then use [F3] and [Ctrl][End] as usual.
Page 11
********** JUDY IN THE BACKGROUND **********
When you typed JUDY (to invoke JUDY.BAT), the full-screen JudyK
program appeared. After you exited, the background portion of JUDY
(called JK) was unloaded and re-loaded. JK.COM needs to be loaded
in order for it to take into account any changes in your calendar
as performed by JudyK.
This is why putting both the lines
JUDYK (or "JUDYK/Q" for no screen display)
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT is suggested. It assures that the JK portion
of JUDY will be loaded properly into memory. If you do not use the
JUDY batch file, or do not have the line "JK" in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file, simply type "JK" (no quotation marks) at the DOS prompt to
load JK into memory.
When JUDY loads, she responds with the line
JUDY is here. Call me anytime with the Double Shift.
She also immediately puts a clock in the upper right corner. (See CLOCK
below.) You now have JUDY running under all your other software, until
the system is re-booted. Wherever you wander in your computer, JUDY
will follow you, staying quietly in the background, maintaining your
clock, and waiting. Two things can bring her up front. If she has a
message for you, she'll let you know. Or if you want her, you can
always summon her up.
If you need to load JK and she is already in memory or if for some
other reason you wish to take JK.COM out of memory, you can do so by
JK /u
at the DOS prompt. This will free up the memory she occupied and
prevent her from possibly clashing with incompatible software. It
will also of course prevent her from reminding you of your messages.
JUDY had been carefully created to work with as wide a range of other
software as possible, but because of certain limitations of DOS and
other non-compatible "IBM-compatibles", programs which reside in memory
all carry some risk of incompatibility with other programs. JK.COM,
therefore, cannot be guaranteed to work with every other DOS program in
the world. This is why the ability to unload JK.COM from memory was
included. It allows you to, say, modify a batch job which runs the
incompatible application to first unload JK, run the application and
then load JK back up. This would be accomplished with lines in your
batch job similar to:
JK /u (to unload JUDY)
... (your application is called here )
JK (to load her back up)
Page 12
When JUDY (or, that is, JK.COM) has a message for you, she will beep.
She will also interrupt whatever process you are engaged
in. The rest of the computer's operations, (except for life-support
functions) are suspended while JUDY presents her message, which appears
as a bright, underlined or colored line of text in the center of the
screen. (You can change the color and position in the detailed set up,
described in the appendix.) You acknowledge the message with a [Esc]
or [Return]. The JUDY message will disappear, the screen will be repaired,
and the interrupted software will resume. The message is then considered
delivered and JUDY will reuse its space.
Alternatively, the 's' key can be used as a 'snooze bar', a
procrastination feature that postpones the message for five minutes.
(This is customizable also. See section on CONFIGURATION in the
Any keystroke other than [Esc], [Return], 's', or 'S' will be ignored
and thrown away. This insures that you will not miss the message.
NOTE: Once again, because of problems DOS can have with the demands
of memory resident programs such as JUDY, there is a chance that JUDY
will not restore certain application screen displays properly (but
although it might interfere with the display it will not interfere
with the application's actual operation). There is little, if anything,
the creators of pop-up utilities (known as TSRs) can do to avoid this
possibility. Many newer applications anticipate such problems from TSRs
and include a method of repainting the screen display should it be
changed. If your application does not have this re-paint feature yet
JUDY interferes, you can still temporarily unload JK.COM before running
the application according to the directions given above.
The "Double Shift" calls JUDY to the foreground of your screen.
To do the double shift, you hold down both left and right shift
keys at once. Press them firmly down, and hold 'em in until JUDY
presents herself. She'll appear with this menu:
Memo Jot Review Clock [Esc]
You choose these functions by tapping the first letter, or hitting
the ESC key to quit. For example, the 'c' key, shifted or not, will
give you the CLOCK. After performing the chosen function, JUDY will
drop away, returning you to exactly where you were when you called her.
These are the JUDY background functions:
MEMO is used to add a message to today's list. MEMO puts notes
into current memory only; it does not write to disk. Like everything
in memory, MEMO messages vanish when the computer is turned off or
rebooted. So they should only be used for SHORT TERM notes. For
more permanent notes use JOT.
Page 13
To set a MEMO, call JUDY with the Double Shift. When she appears,
hit 'm' for Memo. Then fill in the time of the message. (See
TELLING JUDY THE TIME in the MISCELLANEOUS section below.) After
the time has been filled in, a blank line will appear. Type your
message in the line (using left, right and backspace keys to correct
errors). Then hit either [Esc] or [Return]. The message is now tucked
away. It can be checked with REVIEW, and when the time comes, you'll
be hearing from JUDY.
This function allows you to check upcoming messages, and to cancel
any of them. To REVIEW, use the Double Shift, then press 'r'.
[Del] kills, other keys advance
is then displayed. From this point on, you press any key to see the
next message. They are presented one at a time in chronological order,
and then JUDY drops away. If there are no messages JUDY disappears
immediately. To cancel a message, simply press the [Del] key while it
is onscreen. The message is eradicated from memory. This is NOT the
same, however, as permanently erasing a note from your appointment
calendar. To do that, you must use JudyK (see JUDY IN THE FOREGROUND).
JUDY presents a 12-hour hour-minute-second clock, which she updates
each second. If the position of the clock, or its existence, is not
desired, the CLOCK function allows you to change it temporarily.
Call JUDY with the DoubleShift, and tap the 'c' key. Now you can
place the clock anywhere on the screen using the arrow keys. Or you
can remove the clock with the [Ins] key. If the clock is already gone,
the [Ins] key will restore it. When done, the [Return] or [Esc] key
will bring you back to your main task.
NOTE: This placement change only lasts until you change it again
or until reloading JK (say, by rebooting). To make a permanent
change, reconfigure JUDY with the "JUDYK /S" command, explained
below in the appendix.
JOT is JUDY's access to the disk, and thus to long term storage.
Anything you add with the JOT command gets placed temporarily into
the "SCRATCH.PAD" file in the JUDY area. (Read the section on
JUDY'S AREA for a discussion of disk usage.)
JOT, via the Double Shift, then 'j', presents you with the menu:
Calendar Address Expense Idea
The Calendar option allows you to leave a message for any time this
decade. After filling out the time and date (see below), a line
appears into which you drop your message. Note that even if a message
is for today's date, JUDY will NOT remind you of it, until it has
been "digested" by JudyK. On the other hand, a JOTted date even in
the past, will become part of your calendar and data files. So if
you JOT a message for today's date (though MEMO is better) reboot
your computer or unload and reload JK (done automatically by JUDY.BAT).
Page 14
Choosing Address, Expense, or Idea simply marks the succeeding
message for eventual filing into one of three bins: ADDRESS.JK,
EXPENSES.JK, IDEAS.JK. The message is actually sorted and placed
into one of these data files later by JudyK. The date and time of
the note's creation are recorded with it, and tacked on to the end
of the line of text when saved to disk. Unlike the CALENDAR notes,
the "Address," "Expense" and "Idea" data files are text files, which
means they can then be read with a text editor, and reviewed with the
Lookup Utility. So using JOT is the way to note an expense or
telephone number that you might later summon with the Lookup Utility.
DOS LOCK: Flashing Triangles in Clock Display:
You may notice after using JOT that some downward pointing triangles
are in the clock display. This indicates that JUDY wants to download
the most recent JOT to disk, but DOS is locked. DOS is locked during
certain critical states, and it should not be interrupted. Oddly, one
of those states is when you are 'sitting at the prompt'; ie: just in
DOS, with no application program running.
You don't have to do anything, JUDY will wait for the best time and
then perform the disk write. Just do not turn off the computer before
she's had her chance. (You can usually unlock DOS with any screen
activity such as doing a DIR command or hitting [Ctrl][Break].)
********** MISCELLANEOUS **********
When writing the time during the creation of a note in either
foreground mode (JudyK) or background mode (JK), please note that JUDY
accepts both 12 hour or 24 hour ("military") time. If there is an
ambiguity, she will ask for 'a' or 'p' (am/pm). JUDY takes care of
all punctuation; you need only give her the digits, (and 'a' or 'p').
She ignores illegal digits. Also you need not specify everything about
the time if you want to go along with certain defaults. Hitting
[Enter] at certain times results in the following defaults:
Before first digit: No time attached to message.
Before the minutes: Even o'clock, (eg: 7:00)
Before am/pm: "Normal office" hours. (8:31 am to 8:30 pm)
When using the Jot-Calendar feature, you will need to enter a date.
JUDY starts you with the current date, allowing you to overwrite it.
You can change as much of the date as you like, scooting around with
the left and right arrows. As soon as you hit the [Enter] key, it
is accepted. For instance, if you want to leave a message for today's
date you don't type in anything--just hit [Enter]. Or change a single
digit and [Enter] to leave a message for tomorrow.
Page 15
The date is day/month-name/'year. The day is filled in as two digits.
Note that the first digit cannot exceed 3. The month is selected using
the [Up] and [Down] cursor keys to scroll through the month-names, and
hitting the [Enter] key to pick one.
JUDY will use all available memory up to about 128K to hold the
largest possible Calendar file. When there is no more room, she
automatically spills off the oldest inactive appointments into nicely
formatted Diary files. She can no longer read them but you can, with
any word processor. There is a separate file for each month. JUDY will
explain to you what she is doing when she does it.
The following "switches" are different command parameters you can
give JudyK when running it from DOS, depending on what you wish to do.
Quick:Judyk /Q
Do the filing and exit, no fullscreen display
Useful in AUTOEXEC.BAT where the calendar display is unwanted.
Setup:Judyk /S
Tailor JUDY to user's parameters. See section in appendix on
CONFIGURATION. Useful as your equipment, or your taste changes.
Fresh Files:Judyk /F
Any JUDY files not present will be created.
Useful after a disk disaster, or simply to start from scratch.
Use the subswitch /O (Judyk /f /o) to overwrite (kill) existing files.
Identify:Judyk /I
JUDY identifies herself, her owner, her condition.
Useful if you've gotten confused. If the version you have is a
shareware "clone" (with limited lifespan) it will be indicated
Page 16
********** THE JUDY LOOKUP UTILITY **********
You'll find JUDY's ability to LOOKUP items quite versatile. The
following is a list of some of the things the LOOKUP utility gives
a) Instant access to JUDY's own ADDRESS, EXPENSES and IDEAS
b) The ability to check either just the beginning of a file
entry or anywhere in the file for the keyword.
c) The ability to look-up entries by the JUDY date stamp,
which is recorded by JUDY at the time of the entry's creation.
d) The option of saving the list of successful matches to a
separate LOG file, or in fact any file you wish for organizing
or printing purposes.
e) Access to simply ANY ASCII text file for use with more than
just names and addresses.
********** USING LOOKUP **********
Upon hitting the [F8] key in JUDY (or by typing "phone" at the DOS
command prompt) you are confronted with the LOOKUP screen, which
is different from the rest of JUDY. Not to worry. The LOOKUP
screen is very straightforward. It is divided into 3 main
This is the area at the top where you determine what it is you
want to search for. You do so by placing information
in each of the three "fields" or boxes. These fields indicate
HOW you want to search for an item or keyword (the "Search Mode"
field), WHAT that item is (the "Item to Search For" field),
and WHERE to look for it (the "From File" field).
Each of these fields can be highlighted (activated) by using the
[Right]/[Left] arrow keys or by hitting the appropriate function key.
b) The MATCHES Area
This is the large black window in the center of the screen. It
is where each text entry containing a match to the given keyphrase
or date is displayed. If not all the matches can be displayed at
once, the word "MORE" appears at the bottom of the window indicating
that you will need to scroll through the matches to see them all.
You cause a search to be performed by hitting the [Return] key.
Page 17
c) The MESSAGES Area
This blue area at the bottom of the screen displays various
prompts and help messages. LOOKUP will display a message here
whenever it beeps due to an error or when needing some additional
information. The line of text below it at the bottom of the
screen never changes, and is there strictly as a reminder of
which function keys do what.
********* F1 -- SEARCH MODE **********
One of LOOKUP's strengths is that it is more than just a simple
text search utility. You can place restrictions on the way
LOOKUP will determine a match by changing the "Search Mode"
To change the Search Mode parameter, use the [Up] and [Down] arrow keys.
This will scroll you through the following options.
Makes LOOKUP assume that whatever you type into the "Search For" field
is an alpha-numeric text fragment and will look EVERYWHERE in the file
for it.
This is the simplest way of determining matches. If the given keyword,
number or phrase (ignoring upper/lower case) is found, the entire entry
is added to the list of matches. ("The entire entry" here is usually
only one line of text, complete with time and date stamp, as created by
JUDY. It doesn't have to be, however. See the section below on
SEARCHING for an explanantion on how to have multiple-line entries.)
This is the default setting because it is the most common
way you will probably do your searches. It is the easiest
way to look up phone numbers, addresses and names. Searching
in TEXT mode frees you from having to organize your entries as
you jot them down in JUDY.
A lot like TEXT mode in that it does nothing special to the
text fragment you give it to look for. The difference is
that in BEGINNING mode, LOOKUP finds only those entries that
have the given keyword or number at the very beginning of the
entry. This is useful if you have organized your entries
with this in mind. You might preface each entry as you
create it in JUDY with a special word or name determining its
category so that later with LOOKUP you can refer to it in
BEGINNING mode for that specific category. It's up to you.
This mode searches entries by the date stamped onto the end of
the line. Whenever you JOT something
down in JUDY, she dutifully records the time and date you did
so and adds it on to the end of the line of text you jotted.
Page 18
The DATE mode exploits this fact. When in this mode, LOOKUP
takes the date you give it, converts it into the proper
JUDY format and then compares it to the tail end of each
file entry. This way you can call up all the expenses or
ideas or phone numbers you recorded on a specific date.
JUDY of course writes down the date in a very specific and
consistent format as she adds it onto your entry, but you
don't have to know what that is to use LOOKUP. LOOKUP will
take virtually ANY standard North American date format,
including * and ? wildcards. But the following rules apply:
-- a month, day and year must all be specified
-- the month, day and year must be separated by
either a slash, space, period, comma or hyphen
-- The month can come second ONLY if you spell it
out, otherwise the first number is always
assumed to be the month
-- No letters are allowed as part of the day and year
-- Only the last two digits of the year are considered
To see what all that means, just look at the following examples.
Each of them is an acceptable form for a date. Note also how the
wildcards are used, for looking up multiple dates.
2/3/90 (assumes month = 2 as per American custom)
02 3 90
2 03 1990
Feb 3, 1990
2 * 1990 (every day of Feb. 1990)
Feb 1? 90 (every two-digit day beginning with a 1)
February ? * (any one-digit day in Feb. of every year)
********** F2 -- SEARCH FOR **********
This can be any alpha-numeric letter, word or phrase of up to 80
characters. Each entry that contains it will be placed on the list
of matches.
LOOKUP is case insensitive, meaning that it disregards whether the
letters you type in are uppercase or lowercase when determining a match.
Therefore you don't have to worry about how the original was typed.
You do have to concern yourself with spaces, however. LOOKUP treats
these like any other letter, so if you accidentally type some leading
or trailing spaces along with the search text LOOKUP will not find
the original text if it did not contain such spaces.
Page 19
When modifying the contents of the "Search For" field, please note
that if the cursor is at the head of the text and you type in a new
letter, the entire line of text is replaced. This is to speed up
the process of typing in something new. If you are at the very end
of the text and hit the [Right] arrow key you'll exit the "Search For"
The [Up] and [Down] arrow keys along with [PgUp], [PgDn], [Ctrl][PgUp]
and [Ctrl][PgDn] will scroll the MATCHES window an entry at a time (or
a page at a time) only when the "Search For" field is active. In other
fields the arrow keys cause you to scroll through options.
********** F3 -- FROM FILE **********
This is the name of the file that contains the entries through which
you wish to search. It must be an ASCII text file for LOOKUP to work
properly. It can be of any size.
Since LOOKUP is designed to work directly with JUDY, it assumes the
files you will most likely be looking through are the standard JUDY
text files ADDRESS, EXPENSES and IDEAS. These are files you write to
when calling up JUDY via the "Double-Shift" option and select JOT.
Each entry in these files is an 80-character line of text containing
the words you typed followed by JUDY's own time and date stamp. Since
you might also often be using the LOG file created by LOOKUP, this is
one of the standard "From File" options as well.
To search through any one of these files, highlight the
"From File" field and use the [Up] and [Down] arrow keys to scroll
through the choices until the file you want to search appears
in the field.
If you want to look at any other file, just type in its name at
any time. Once you do, this new filename is added to the list
of options so that you can scroll back to it later. Upon
startup of LOOKUP there is a blank slot in the list of filenames
available for just this purpose. Each time you type in your
own filename this "free slot" is replaced with the most recently
entered name.
If a pathname or extension is not specified as part of the
file specification, LOOKUP assumes the file resides in a
\JUDY directory (which is NOT necessarily the current directory
and NOT necessarily "the" JUDY area. If you installed JUDY in
some directory other than one specifically named \JUDY, then
LOOKUP will not be able to find the .JK files immediately. You
will have to supply the different path as part of the filename).
LOOKUP also assumes the file has the extension ".JK".
If you type in your own filename please specify the path and
extension if different from these defaults.
Page 20
********** [Return] Key -- SEARCHING **********
Hitting the [Return] or [Enter] key causes LOOKUP to perform its
search. It won't do anything at all , however, if none of the
parameters has been changed since the last search.
If you have already done a search and a list of matches
resides in the MATCHES window, LOOKUP will ask you if you
want to append the results of this new search on to the
present list. You must type Y or N, with Y (yes) meaning
to append the results. This way you can build up a special
list as the result of several different searches, and save the
final result to disk as the LOG file. Most of the time,
however, you will find yourself doing only one search and then
If LOOKUP finds the target text or date, it displays the entire
entry which contains it. In almost all cases this entry will simply
be that single line of text read from the file. But it does not
have to be.
As mentioned in earlier sections of this documentation you
can look in ANY text file for matches--even one you have
created yourself on a standard ASCII text editor (such as
"edlin"--if you are masochistic--or a commercial word processor
running in ASCII mode). If you create the file yourself you
can have multiple-line entries by simply ending each line (except
the last one) with an underscore ('_').
LOOKUP, upon finding a match, looks to the end of the line
for an underscore. If one is found it automatically adds the
subsequent line of text from the file to the list until the
lines quit ending in underscores. This allows you to create
your own simple database of multiple line entries, such as
the following:
Shrub, Georgette_
1000 Darkniss Point_
Blackshack, WA 20001
Bonaparte, Leon_
2 Sacred Blue, Ave._
Oolala, FL 18120 etc. etc.
If you were to look up "Shrub," for instance, LOOKUP would
display all three lines in the list as a single entry.
********** F6 -- SAVING TO A FILE ***********
Once you have a list of matches displayed on the screen,
you can write it out to a file by hitting [F6]. This file
could then be printed out by copying it to your printer from
DOS (using the command "copy <filename> PRN"). Or you could
even use LOOKUP on it as well for further refinement in your
Page 21
By default, LOOKUP will write the results under the name
LOG.JK in a directory specifically named \JUDY. If that is
what you want (and it almost always is), just hit [Return]
to confirm the save.
If you want to save the list under some other name (even
possibly under the name "address" or "expenses" or "ideas")
then you need to type it into the field supplied in the
MESSAGES area for this purpose.
If you do, LOOKUP still assumes that the file will go into
the \JUDY directory and have the .JK extension (as is the
case with the "From File" field). If you want the file
to go anywhere else or have another extension, you need to
type in the path and extension explicitly.
If the file already exists, LOOKUP will tell you so and ask
if you want to overwrite the existant file. If you indicate
Y (for yes) then the current file with the given name will be
replaced with the new list. Otherwise, LOOKUP won't save
anything to disk. You can then hit [F6] and type in a different
name this time if you wish.
********** F10 -- EXITING ***********
At any time you may hit the [F10] key to exit LOOKUP and return
to JUDY (or DOS if you ran LOOKUP from the DOS command prompt).
LOOKUP will first remove the current Matches list from memory
(if any list exists) without saving it to disk. It will then
********** EXAMPLES **********
a) By default LOOKUP is set to do "Text" searches from
"address.jk." If you simply want to look up someone's
phone number from the address file, then this is perfect.
Just type in the name--ignoring upper and lower case--in
the "Search For" field and hit RETURN. LOOKUP displays
the line or lines containing the person's name so you
can read the number. Hit [F10] to exit.
b) Suppose Edith kept records concerning Christmas gift
ideas by jotting them down in the "ideas" file in JUDY.
Each time she added an idea she prefaced it with the
recipient's first name. Now she wants to see a list of
all the ideas she had for Ted. First, she types the word
TED (upper or lower case) into the "Search For" field.
Then she highlights the "From File" field and hits the [Up]
arrow key until IDEAS is displayed. She highlights the
"Search Mode" field and scrolls until BEGINNING
is shown (so as to search only those ideas beginning with the
word "ted" and not any ideas that may be ABOUT Ted and have his
name imbedded in the middle of the line).
She hits [Return]. Presto! All the ideas starting with the
word "Ted" are displayed. She saves this out to a file, and
prints it up for an instant Christmas list.
Page 22
c) Let's say that you use JUDY to jot down your household
expenses. At the end of the year you want to see what
you spent in March. No sweat. Simply set the "Search
Mode" field to DATE, and the "From File" to EXPENSES.
Then, taking advantage of LOOKUP's ability to accept wild-
cards in its dates, you type in "March * 90" (no quotes,
of course) in the "Search For" category, meaning "search
for all entries dated any day of March 1990." Hit [Return].
Shazam! All the single line entries you jotted down with
JUDY in the EXPENSES file during the month of March 1990
are called up. Hit [F6] and name the output file "MARCH"
and you'll have a separate record of these expenses.
(You might even subsequently search through this "March" file
for all entries containing the phrase "slush fund" or whatever
for a futher breakdown of your expenses.)
********** COPYRIGHT and LISCENSING AGREEMENT **********
JUDY is copyrighted material, and of course it is illegal to
distribute unauthorized copies, whether for fun or profit. What your
hard-earned 30 bucks has bought you is merely the right to USE the
software. You may make safety copies for yourself, naturally, but
beyond such simple archival copies you must treat this software as you
would any other singular material object: it cannot be used by more
than one person on one computer at any given time. You must not allow
for even the possibility of it being used by two people simultaneously.
We hope you enjoy JUDY. If you're unhappy with JUDY, send the original
diskette and documentation back to Interfact Software within 30 Days of
its receipt and we'll cheerfully refund your money.
Other than that, there are no warranties express or implied.
********** APPENDIX **********
DETAILED JUDY CONFIGURATION: Upon invocation by Judyk/s or during first
Where should the clock be? (Use Cursor keys)
If you don't like where the clock comes up (the upper right hand
corner), you can change this home position by pushing around the
marker with the cursor keys. This changes where the clock shows up
BY DEFAULT. If you want to change the clock position at any time during
a particular session, call JUDY via DoubleShift and use the "Clock"
command there.
typical answer: (Move the marker with the four cursor keys, then press
Where should Judy appear?
Similarly, you indicate a position on the screen. Notice that the
legal area for the marker is constrained to an area smaller than the
full screen.
typical answer: (Move the marker with the four cursor keys, then press
Page 23
What color code for clock? (Use Cursor keys)
There are 256 available colors, which you can scroll through. The
order of the colors can be found in Table C of the IBM Tech Ref
Manual. Monochrome owners will find that a great many colors are
exactly the same as one another, and that scrolling through them is
rather boring. For both color and monochrome colors 128-255 are all
typical answer: (View colors with arrows, then select by pressing [Enter].)
How about a color code for Judy menus?
This color is the one in which you want JUDY to present herself when
she interrupts you from the background.
typical answer: (View colors with arrows; select by pressing [Enter].)
And for urgent Judy messages?
This is the color in which all highlighted words used by JUDY will be
presented. This means not only urgent text, but other non-emergency
characters, most notably the cursor.
typical answer: (View colors with arrows; select by pressing [Enter].)
How long is the snooze period? {in minutes}
The snooze period is the time which you get to procrastinate. When
JUDY interrupts you with a message and you hit 'S' or spacebar to
postpone that message a few minutes, the Snooze Period will determine
that interval.
typical answer: 5
Do you wish to change the "Double Shift" pattern?
If for some reason you want to call JUDY with something other than
the traditional double-shift (left and right shiftkeys), you can
change that. Simply answer Yes, then set any combination of
[Left Shift], [Right Shift], [Alt] and [Ctrl].
Use [Enter] to accept, or [Del] to clear the combination and try again.
What type of printer? { Vanilla=0 Epson=1 }
This regulates the type of control codes which JUDY will use to
create special printer effects when making hardcopy of your schedule.
The Vanilla option attempts no printer effects, it sends only pure
ASCII code.
typical answer: 0
Which printer port? { 1, 2, 3 }
Is your printer on LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3? Simply press the proper number.
NOTE: the default is given as LPT1 the first time you configure JudyK,
but technically speaking the default is PRN, and if you specifically
want PRN (and not LPT1:, just hit [Enter] to stick with the default.
typical answer: [Enter]
Page 24
What is the name of your Phone Manager? { PHONE }
This is the name of the program that will be invoked whenever you
hit [F8] in JudyK. Normally this is the Lookup Utility (as the
Lookup Utility's actual name is PHONE.EXE). If you want to use
some other manager or change the name of the Lookup Utility, type
in the new name now.
typical answer: [Enter] (to use default Lookup Utility)
********** ERROR MESSAGES **********
'Bad disk; fix & hit key. Or Esc.'
When you loaded JK, the JUDY disk was not the default
drive. Or the JUDY disk is damaged. Replace the disk, hit a key,
and it will re-attempt to load. If you use [Esc], JUDY will install
herself, but without any of today's messages. She will use Drive B:
as her home drive.
'Sorry, my memory is full now. '
JUDY can only hold sixteen pending "today's" messages.
There are sixteen active ones already. Delete one with the REVIEW
function if you want.
'Cannot write. Hit [Esc] to free.'
JUDY cannot jot a note into her directory. Most likely, the
wrong floppy is in the drive or the disk is full. Replace the
disk, if necessary, and hit a key. Otherwise abort out with [Esc].
Note will not be written.
'Cannot create scratch.pad. hit [Esc]'
JUDY cannot open up a file in her directory. Probably the
directory is full or it is nonexistent. Hit [Escape] and investigate.
Your note will not be written.
'Judy's already here. Hit [Esc]'
JK, the resident part of JUDY, is already in residence. There
are few reasons for double loading JUDY, and it might create trouble.
Troublemakers can force a doubleload with 'f'. (Be sure to configure
different DoubleShift patterns as well.)
'Version mismatch. Maybe trouble.'
The JUDYK and JK files are not the same version number. Check
the numbers during signon. This may or may not present problems.
'Not now.'
This message occasionally appears if you call JUDY during a
time when the computer's operation should not be interrupted. Try
again in a few seconds.
'Error on LPT1:' 'IO ERROR' or 'OUT OF PAPER'
These self-explanatory messages might appear during hardcopy
printout. Usually your printer is turned off, off-line or out of paper.
However be certain that the LPT number in the error message
corresponds to your actual printer port.
Page 25
'This is not MY Calendar'
You have gotten the wrong calendar.jk file in your system. You
can delete it and then use Judyk/F to replace this (and any other
missing files). JUDY clones will not read the files of another
JUDY clone.
'Cannot find file xxxx.jk'
The requested file is not available. Do you have the proper
disk mounted? Or maybe \JUDY is not in your path. If not, check
the disk or change the path to include the proper directory.
Otherwise, you may be missing some files. Type 'Judyk/F' to replace
the missing file with a clean slate .
(these files will therefore be in your \JUDY directory along with
those listed in the READ.ME file on the Distribution Diskette)
in the current directory:
WHERE'S.bat: sample use of ADDRESS.jk with FIND.
NOT needed if you use the Lookup Utility.
in the the JUDY directory:
ADDRESS.jk: list of addresses, readable by any text editor.
EXPENSES.jk: list of expense, readable by any text editor.
IDEAS.jk: idea 'heap', readable by any text editor.
*CALENDAR.jk: records appointments, only readable by JUDY
*SCRATCH.pad: JK's notes to JUDYK
*NOTE.pad: JUDYK's notes to JK
MON'YR.LOG: (ie: JAN'95.LOG) Diary files, records of old events.
*for internal use only
Thank you. That's all.
Copyright Feb 1987 by Dov Jacobson, new_functions()
Revised June 1990 by Chris Masters, interfact software